
Thursday, July 21, 2011

MCQ Questions and Answers- II

06.  A  45  year  old  patient  awoke  with  swollen  face,  puffiness around the eyes, and oedema of the upper lip with redness and dryness.  When  he  went  to  bed  he  had  the  swelling,  pain  or dental  complaints.  Examination  shows  several  deep  silicate restorations in the anterior teeth but examination is negative for  caries,  thermal  tests,  percussion,  palpation,  pain,  and periapical  area  of  rarefaction.  The  patient’s  temperature  is normal. The day before he had a series of gastrointestinal x-rays at the local hospital and was given a clean bill of health. The condition is
A.   Acute periapical abscess
B.   Angioneurotic oedema
C.   Infectious mononucleosis
D.   Acute maxillary sinusitis
E.   Acute apical periodontitis

07. Internal resorption is
A.   Radiolucency over unaltered canal
B.   Usually in a response to trauma
C.   Radiopacity over unaltered canal

08. On replantation of an avulsed tooth could see
A.  Surface resorption, external resorption
B. Internal resorption
C. Inflammatory resorption
D. Replacement resorption
E. A, C and D
F.  All of the above

09. The junction between primary and secondary dentine is?
A.   A reversal line
B.   Sharp curvature
C.   A resting line
D.   A reduction in the number of tubules

10. What is the correct sequence of events?
A.  Differentiation of odontoblast, elongation of enamel epithelium, dentine formation then  enamel formation.
B.  Differentiation of odontoblast, dentine formation then enamel formation, elongation of enamel epithelium.
C.  Elongation of enamel epithelium, differentiation of odontoblast, dentine formation then enamel formation.

11. What is the sequence from superficial to the deepest in dentine caries?
A. Zone of bacterial penetration, demineralisation, sclerosis, reparative dentine 
B. Zone of bacterial penetration, reparative dentine, demineralisation, sclerosis. 
C. Zone of bacterial penetration, sclerosis, reparative dentine, demineralisation.

12. In which direction does the palatal root of the upper first molar usually curve towards
A.  Facial / buccal/
B. Lingual
C. Mesial               
D.  Distal

13. Which of the following would be ONE possible indication for indirect pulp capping
A. Where any further excavation of dentine would result in pulp exposure.
B. Removal of caries has exposed the pulp
C. When carious lesion has just penetrated DEJ

14. Following trauma to tooth, the next day there was no response to pulp tests you should
 A.   Review again later
 B.   Start endodontic treatment
 C.   Extraction of tooth

15. Which is NOT TRUE in relation to the prescription of 5mg or 10mg of diazepam for sedation
A.   Patient commonly complain of post operative headache
B.   An acceptable level of anxiolytic action is obtained when the drug is given one hour preoperatively
C.  There is a profound amnesic action and no side affects
D. Active metabolites can give a level of sedation up to 8 hours post operatively
E. As Benzodiazepine the action can be reversed with Flumazepil

(Answers-Q6= B, Q7= B, Q8= E, Q9= C, Q10= A,  Q11= A, Q12= A, Q13= A, Q14= A, Q15=A)