
Saturday, July 23, 2011

10 Questions and Answers About Gingival and Periodontal tissues

1. What is gingival hypertrophy?
Gingival hypertrophy indicates that the gingivae have increased in size and not number. Hypertrophy indicates inflammation, whereas hyperplasia may not.
2. What causes gingival recession?
The major causes are tooth brush or floss abrasion, parafunctional habits, periodontal disease, and orthod ontics (if the bands are improperly placed).
3. Which area of the oral cavity has the least amount of attached gingiva?
The buccal mandibular premolar area commonly has the least amount of attached tissue.
4.What is a long junctional epithelium?
After a periodontal pocket has been scaled, root planed, and curetted, a soft tissue reattachment to the root surface may occur. This reattachment is called a long junctional epithelium. Pocket reduction is due to a gain in attachment, not to a decrease of inflammation. Fibrous reattachment is also possible.
 5. What is the term for gingival cells that attach to the root cementum? How do they attach to the root?
The term is junctional epithelium; the cells attach by hemidesmisomes.
6. What is a mucogingival defect?
Mucogingival defects are defined by periodontal pocketing that goes beyond the mucogingival junction.
7.What are the major risk factors for periodontitis?
Major risk factors for periodontal disease include increased age, poor educa tion, neglect of dental care, previous history of periodontal disease, tobacco use, and diabetes.
8.Is periodontal disease a risk factor for other disease?
Some epidemiologic evidence indicates that periodontal disease and other chronic infective diseases may be associated with coronary artery disease and stroke.
9.What is the crown-to-root ratio in a healthy dentition?
As a general rule, the crown-to-root ratio in a healthy dentition is 1:2 (for each tooth).
10. What root shapes generally have a more favorable prognosis? As the preceding question suggests, the crown-to-root ratio is very important. Long, taper ing roots are usually sturdier than short, conical roots.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog post is very informative. Please guide me if there are any side effects of Periodontal surgery.
    Great Expression Smiles
