
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Images and Description of Orthodontic Appliances Commonly used in Orthodontics

 Bionator – An acrylic appliance which fits on the upper and lower teeth, and postures the lower jaw forward. A bionator is used to encourage lower jaw growth.

Bite Plate – A fixed or removable appliance used to open a deep bite (decrease the vertical overlap of the upper and lower incisors)

Bonded RPE – A palatal expander which in addition to the metal framework, contains plastic over the biting surfaces of the back teeth. This type of expander is used to minimize bite opening during expansion.

Haas Expander – A palatal expander which addition to the metal framework, contains plastic shelves which contact the palatal tissue.

Headgear – A removable appliance worn to restrict growth of the upper jaw and improve overjet (“overbite”) problems. It normally consists of a facebow that attaches to the teeth and a strap that fits around the neck or head

Herbst – A fixed appliance that improves “overbite” by
encouraging lower jaw growth

Lower Lingual Arch
 A fixed appliance used to keep the lower molars from moving forward

Miniscrew (Temporary Anchorage Device) – A metal screw placed in the palate or gum areas that serve to provide additional stability when moving teeth. The screw is removed after the desired tooth movement has occurred.

Mouth guard – A removable plastic piece that fits over the teeth. It protects the teeth and inside of the mouth when playing sports.

Nance – A fixed appliance used to keep the upper molars from moving forward.

Nightguard (Splint) – A removable plastic piece worn at night to minimize harmful effects of bruxism (grinding).

 Pendulum – An appliance that moves the upper molars backward. A pendulum is used for creating space to align the upper teeth and for improving overjet problems.

Positioner – A removable appliance used to finalize tooth movements after the braces are removed

Quad-helix – A fixed appliance used to expand the upper or lower arch

Rapid Palatal Expander(RPE) – A type of palatal expander. The RPE usually has a screw which the patient or parent turns to widen the upper jaw.

Tongue Crib – An appliance used to prevent the tongue from thrusting forward

Thumb Appliance – An appliance used to curb a thumb or fingersucking habit. The appliance makes it difficult for the patient to keep the digit in the mouth.

Tongue Spurs – Pointy metal spurs that are used to control a tongue-thrusting habit. Tongue spurs can be bonded to the teeth or soldered onto an appliance such as a lingual arch

Trans palatal arch(TPA) – A fixed appliance used to keep the upper molars from moving forward and down.

Twin Block – A two-piece appliance which consists of upper and lower pieces with ramps that guide the lower jaw forward when the patient closes down. The twin block is used to encourage lower jaw growth

Spacers (separators)-are little plastic rings that fit between your back teeth and are inserted before placement of your braces to provide some space between your back teeth.

Reverse-Pull Headgear (Facemask) – A removable appliance worn to encourage growth of the upper jaw in order to correct a negative overjet (“underbite”).

The Hawley Retainer- is one of the most common retainers used after removal of braces.


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