
Monday, August 8, 2011

A PPT On Crossbite For Download... With Interactive 3D Animations

Crossbite is an occlusal irregularity where a tooth (or teeth) has a more buccal or lingual position (that is, the tooth is either closer to the cheek or to the tongue) than its corresponding antagonist tooth in the upper or lower arcade.
Crossbite can involve a single tooth or a group of teeth. It can be classified in anterior or posterior and bilateral or unilateral.An anterior cross bite cannot be referred as negative overjet, and is typical of class III skeletal relations (prognathism).Posterior crossbite is often correlated to a narrow maxilla and upper dental arch. A posterior cross-bite can be unilateral or bilateral. Unilateral cross-bite often determines a lateral shift of the mandibular position, which can become structural if left untreated for a long time during growth, leading to skeletal asymmetries.Posterior crossbite is also known as "reverse articulation".
A crossbite is more than just a cosmetic imperfection. Left untreated, a crossbite can cause conditions such as TMJ or TMD, loose teeth, receding gums, excessive wear of tooth enamel and assymetrical growth of your face and jaw.

Crossbite PPt
Crossbite Videos
Click Here TO Watch Anterior Crossbite Video
Click Here To Watch Posterior Crossbite Video

Anterior Crossbite Animation

Buccal Crossbite Animation

Correction Of Anterior Crossbite Using a Removable Appliance

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