
Thursday, August 18, 2011

MCQ Questions and Answers in Dentistry- IV

1. Examination reveals area of gingival recession, exposed wide area of dental roots. Which is the procedure of choice to obtain coverage of the root surface

 A. Free gingival autograft
B. Sub-epithelial tissue graft
C. Apically positioned graft
D. Free gingival graft
E. Modified wide flap

2. What does contra indicate distal wedge in molars’ area
 A. Distal fluting
B. Long attached gingiva
C. Sharply ascending ramus that limits space distal to molars
D. Supra bony pockets distal to molars

3. Which of the following is not a property of Fluoride ion
 A. Crosses placental barrier
B. Deposits in bone
C. Excretes rapidly by kidney
D. Bacteria static
E. Produces extrinsic tooth stain

4. Two conditions of enamel facilitate post eruptive uptake of fluoride element
 A. Hyper mineralisation and surface dentine
B. Surface demineralisation and hypo mineralisation
C. Dental fluorosis and enamel opacities

5. In regards to topically applied fluoride
A. Effective in incorporated into dental plaque
B. Inhibits acid demineralisation of enamel

6. Flexibility of the retentive clasp arm Does not relate to
 A. Length
B. Cross section
C. Material
D. Degree of taper
E. Under cut area

7. How long it would take to see the dentinal bridge after direct pulp capping by using Calcium hydroxide.
 A. 6-8 weeks
B. 4 weeks
C. 6-8 months
D. 4 months

8. What is contraindicated to the use of calcium hydroxide for pulp capping
 A. Accidental exposure of pulp
B. Carious exposure of pulp in otherwise asymptomatic tooth
C. Carious exposure of pulp in tooth that has been painful for weeks

9. How would you treat hyperaemia “hyperaemic tooth”
 A. Zinc Oxide and eugenol cement
B. Calcium hydroxide
C. Corticosteroid paste

10. Bilateral symmetrical swelling of the mandible of a child is likely to be caused by
 A. Acromegaly
B. Paget’s disease
C. Giant cell lesion
D. Primordial cysts
E. Dental cysts

Q1=A double check
Q5=A & B
Q7=A, 4 weeks in indirect pulp capping and 6-8 weeks in direct pulp capping
Q9=C, Useful when there is a hyperaemic pulp and failure of local anaesthesia; most commonly when there is an irreversible pulpitis and/or carious exposure. Use of these pastes may cause relief of symptoms, decreased inflammation with ability to successfully anaesthetise the tooth on the next
Q10=C, like cherubism

1 comment:

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