
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

15 MCQs On Orthodontics

1. Methods of bite opening includes:
a) Intrusion of posterior teeth and extrusion of anterior teeth.
b) Extrusion of posterior teeth and intrusion of anterior teeth.
c) Mesialisation of posterior teeth.
d) Retroclination of incisors.
e) Lower incisor extraction.
Key: b
2. Cortical drift is a growth process involving:
a) Deposition of bone.
b) Resorption of bone.
c) Deposition and resorption.
d) Bone bending.
e) Apposition of bone.
Key: c
3. The focal film distance for a lateral cephalogram is:
a) Four feet.
b) Three feet.
c) Five feet.
d) Six feet.
e) Two feet.
Key: c
4. Moment is defined as:
a) Force x Distance from centre of rotation.
b) Force x Distance from centre of resistance.
c) Force x Range.
d) Force x Springback.
e) Force x Modulus of elasticity.
Key: a
5. Minimum anchorage is defined as:
a) 2/3 rd of extraction space is utilized by the movement of anchor unit.
b) ½ of the extraction space is utilized by the movement of anchor unit and the remaining ½ by the movement of the moving unit.
c) 1/3 rd of the extraction space is utilized by the movement of  anchor unit.
d) Absolutely no movement of anchor unit.
e) Absolutely no movement of anterior teeth.
Key: a
6. Classical pattern of extraction in Class II camouflage is:
a) Extraction of upper 1st  premolars and lower canines.
b) Extraction of upper 1st premolars and lower 2nd premolars.
c) Extraction of all 2nd premolars.
d) Extraction of upper 2nd premolars and lower 1st premolars.
e) Extraction of all 1st molars.
Key: b
7. Frontal cephalogram is used to:
a) Assess facial symmetry.
b) Overjet.
c) Dental compensation in sagital plane.
d) Deep bite.
e) Open bite.
Key: a

8. Natal teeth are defined as:
a) Teeth present at the time of birth.
b) Teeth erupting in the 2nd -3rd month.
c) Teeth erupting between 6 months to 2 year.
d) Teeth erupting after 1 year of age.
e) Teeth erupting after 2 years of age.
Key: a
9. 1st order bends are:
a) Tipping bends.
b) Toquing bends.
c) In and out bends.
d) Anchorage bends.
e) Up and down bends.
Key: c
10. Cleft lip and palate patient often requires expansion. Appliance of choice in such cases is:
a) Hyrax appliance.
b) Hass appliance.
c) Cap splint type of expansion appliance.
e) Spring jet.
Key: c
11. The most common sequence of eruption of permanent dentition in upper arch is:
a) 6-1-2-3-4-5-7.
b) 6-1-2-4-3-5-7.
c) 6-1-2-5-4-3-7.
d) 6-1-3-2-4-5-7.
e) 6-2-3-4-5-1-7.
Key: a
12. Face mask is primarily used to produce:
a) Dorsal effect.
b) AP effect.
c) Ventral effect.
d) Transverse effect.
e) Vertical effect.
Key: b
13. Relapse in rotated teeth can be avoided:
a) By CSF.
b) By frenectomy.
c) By maintaining integrity of arch.
d) By extraction of retained teeth.
e) By scaling.
Key: a
14. Extraction is mandatory in the treatment of crowding if crowding is:
a) Less than 4mm.
b) More than 4mm and less than 9mm.
c) More than 10mm.
d) More than 4mm but O/J more than 6mm.
e) More than 4mm with –ive O/J.
Key: c
15. Decompenstaion is done as part of:
a) Convetntional orthodontics.
b) Pre-surgical orthodontics.
c) Camouflage treatment.
d) Surgical camouflage.
e) Interceptive orthodontics.
Key: b


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