
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cysts of jaw bones.... Read and download ppt Notes.

Cysts of the jaws are classified into several categories depending on histogenesis and aetiology. Those that arise from odontogenic epithelium are called odontogenic, those that have their source in other epithelial structures are known as non-odontogenic. Among the odontogenic cysts, developmental and inf lammatory types can be distinguished. By definition, cysts are lined by epithelium.

Odontogenic cysts inflammatory   
                                                     Radicular cyst
                                                     Residual cyst
                                                     Paradental cyst

Odontogenic cysts developmental
                                                     Dentigerous cyst
                                                     Lateral periodontal cyst
                                                     Botryoid odontogenic cyst
                                                     Glandular odontogenic cyst
                                                     Odontogenic keratocyst
                                                     Gingival cyst

Non-odontogenic cysts                 
                                                     Nasopalatine duct cyst
                                                     Nasolabial cyst
                                                     Surgical ciliated cyst
                         Solitary bone cyst
                         Focal bone marrow defect
Schematic drawing showing a bisected mandible. Left  to 
right: examples of a dentigerous cyst, a lateral periodontal cyst and 
a radicular cyst 

ODONTOGENIC CYSTS power point presentation

Odontogenic Cyst Oral Presentation

Odontogenic Cyst A lecture note ppt

1 comment:

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