Saturday, October 15, 2011

Emergency Care in Maxillofacial Trauma

Emergency Care in Maxillofacial Trauma –Facial and Ophthalmic Perspective

  • Aim: consider life- and sight- threatening conditions that may occur following trauma to the face.
  • Life- and sight- threatening complications may occur following apparently trivial injuries, which may not immediately be evident on arrival in the resuscitation or emergency setting.
  • Assessment needs to be both systematic and repeated.
  • True maxillofacial and ophthalmic ‘‘emergencies’’ are uncommon.
  • Focused on any clinical problem that requires immediate identification and management to preserve life, or sight.
  • Facial injuries resulting in life threatening conditions include:
airway compromise
                   profuse blood loss


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    1. The original author of this paper is M Perry, a consultant Maxillofacial surgeon in London. He has set up a website for trauma enthusiasts
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  3. The original author of this paper is M Perry, a consultant Maxillofacial surgeon in London. He has set up a website for trauma enthusiasts
    Membership is free. Open to all healthcare workers

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